What Does the Lord Require? Micah 6:8
Welcome to Unfamous, the podcast where unfamous pastors preach the fame of God. I’m your host, Cubby Westerberg. Our show is about listening to local, reformed pastors who minister to small congregations, faithfully expositing the Word, and preaching from the Scriptures. These unfamous pastors are unknown to basically everyone but their own congregation, so I want to introduce them to you.
Today we hear from Pastor Levi Secord. He is the founding pastor of Christ Bible Church in Roseville, Minnesota. He graduated with an M.Div (2013) and a Doctorate of Educational Ministry (2022) from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Levi has numerous publications with the Front Porch Republic, the Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, and the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network.
I first met Pastor Levi when we went to college together, and he’s always inspired me with his deep knowledge of the Word of God.
In his message today, he discusses the true meaning of the famous verse Micah 6:8. You might want to pull out your Bible and put on your thinking cap for this one because it’s thought-provoking. This famous verse has been misinterpreted in many ways, but when we really understand it, Pastor Levi shows that it points to our need for Christ and the grace that we have in him.
If you'd like to dig deeper on the conditional/unconditional nature of the covenants, I found this article helpful: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/justin-taylor/are-gods-covenants-conditional-or-unconditional/
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