
Should We Sin That Grace May Abound?

Cross Pointe Church Season 1 Episode 12

Welcome to Unfamous, the podcast where unfamous pastors preach the fame of God. I’m your host, Cubby Westerberg. Our show is about listening to local, reformed pastors who minister to small congregations, but they faithfully exposit the Word and preach from the Scriptures. These unfamous pastors are unknown to basically everyone but their own congregation, so I want to introduce them to you.

In today’s message, our pastor, Randy Westerberg, preaches from Romans 6:1 and seeks to answer the question: Should we keep sinning so that grace may abound?  The answer is no. Even though grace does abound to us in our sin, it doesn’t give us a license to sin. Paul says we should no longer sin because we have died to sin, but what does it mean that we’ve died to sin? 

This is the question, but instead of hearing what it means, today, we learn what it doesn’t mean. 

This sermon is part 1 of 2 in a two-part series, where we learn about the boundless grace of God and what it means that we have died to sin. 

Thank you for listening. If you want to learn more or support our show and its mission, please follow the links below.

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