
The Holy Trinity

Cross Pointe Church Season 1 Episode 16

Our message today comes by request from a listener. It’s a message I preached about a year ago, and it’s on the doctrine of the Trinity. 

The doctrine of the Trinity used to be a huge topic of debate in the early church, but our early church forefathers battled through the controversies and gave us the doctrinal formulations of the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed. From them, we learn that God is three in one. That each person of the Trinity is fully God, yet there is one God.

Today, this doctrine is often  taken for granted, and that’s not all bad because it’s no longer a source of controversy, but it’s important to understand the teaching of Scripture on this issue, and not only that but also to appreciate it for what it means for us and our relationship with God.

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