The Stoney Heart - Ezekiel 36:26-27
Today, we are going to hear from our administrative pastor at Cross Pointe, Jared Johnson. He is currently attending Midwestern Seminary, and he is preaching on one of his favorite passages of Scripture, Ezekiel 36, and the stoney heart.
When you think of the gift of salvation, it is truly a miracle, that once we were lost but now we are found. Once, we were dead, but now we are made alive. When we think of the gift of salvation, it should make us truly grateful and humbled that God would remove our dead, stoney hearts and give us a heart that beats for him.
I once heard a story about a seminary professor who took his students to a graveyard and had them preach to the people in the graves. The students wondered why he would have them do such a thing, and he replied that this is what preaching is like. People are dead in sin, and it is only God, through his word, that can make them alive.
Today, Pastor Jared explains how God saves those who are dead in sin.
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